Tinamarie Ivey

A Christmas Carole
Puppet and Costume Design
The concept for this production was to see what would transpire if the story was set in modern America rather than Victorian England with a female lead. The production featured a successful businesswoman rather than an elderly man and the ghosts represented by puppets and a deathly ballerina.
The Past & Present Ghosts were represented as puppets. Ghost of Christmas Past was operated by one puppeteer with a main 'head,' of carved Styrofoam and paper mache, with multiple fabric layers attached to wire to animate. Ghost of Christmas Present consisted of two faces, masks made out of neoprene and operated by two puppeteers. The Ghost of Christmas Present body was primarily layers of fabric that created a 14-foot image, making it possible for the 'children ghosts' to reside underneath. Jacob Marley, a puppet built out of neoprene mold, PVC and operated by two puppeteers and suspended and manipulated above puppeteers with rods.
If I were to describe this production, it would be a Surreal Minimalist Christmas story